Commonsense Wisdom Liberal Arts Academy (CWLAA) Course Titles:

 Modern History

The Attack on Faith, Reason, and Common Sense: Historical Roots of the Modern Assault on Catholic Christianity – 

1) Part 1 - Course Number: MHis 101A

2) Part 2 - Course Number: MHis 101B

Commonsense Literary Masterpieces

The Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom of Dante Alighieri’s Divine 

3) Part 1 - CLM101

4) Part 2 - CLM102

5) To Be or Not to Be: Discovering the Uncommon Commonsense Aristotelian-Thomistic Influence in the World of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. - CLM103



6) Philosophy/Science as Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom (Orientation Course) – Ph101

7) Introduction to the Uncommon Commonsense Liberal Art of Philosophical Reading -Ph102

8) Listening to and Reading Platonic Dialogues: Ion, Euthyphro, and Apology - Ph103

9) Introduction to the Uncommon Commonsense Liberal Art of Philosophical Reading - Ph104

10) Listening to and Reading Platonic Dialogues: Meno and Gorgias - Ph105

11) The Uncommon Commonsense Metaphysical Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Age-old Problem of the One and the Many - Ph106

12) The Commonsense Moral Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas about the Good, the Bad, the Beautiful, and the Ugly - Ph107

13) Aristotle’s Commonsense Politics: Modern Perspectives - Ph108

14) Aristotle’s Uncommon Commonsense Waking Realism: Physics and Metaphysics - Ph109

15) Introduction to the Liberal Art of Uncommon Commonsense Logic - Ph110

16) Thomistic Uncommon Commonsense Exemplar Leadership - Ph111

17) The Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas regarding the True, the False, the Lie, and the Fake - Ph112

18) The Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom of Marcus Tullius Cicero in De amicitia (On Friendship) - Ph113

19) The Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom of Marcus Tullius Cicero in De officiis (On Duties) - Ph114

20) The Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom of the Confessions of St. Aurelius Augustine - Ph115

 The Uncommon Commonsense Wisdom of Augustine's On the City of God against the Pagans (De civitate Dei contra paganos).

21) Part 1 - Ph 116A

22) Part 2 - Ph 116B

See Program Information 

See Course Descriptions 

See Tuition Information